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Anne Meisenzahl

While continuing her work in the community educating formerly incarcerated and underprivileged adults, she earned her Master of Fine Arts in 2009, an experience that English faculty members made "really special" for Meisenzahl.

IDEA grant

The junior English major says her research revealed that Latinas in the technology field tend to support each other when it comes to advancing in the technology industry.


The sophomore English major's research is a literature review focusing on autism intervention through virtual reality. This study allows Justus to do research that engages her interest in both psychology and literature.

sigma seal

The Florida State University scholar society inducted seven new members.

Jacqueline Suskin

A student in FSU's English department in the 2000s, alumna Jacqueline Suskin made a name for herself writing poetry with a relic from the 1950s

Emma Moody

When Emma Moody was in high school, she received a camera as a gift. She turned that present into a way to see the world through a caring and creative perspective.