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PC stage

Co-founders Caroline Butler and Parker Logan created the Undergraduate Reading Series, which gives four writers 20 minutes to share their work, both fiction and poetry writing, in front of the audience.


Student journalists have an outlet to learn more about the field and to network with others who are seeking jobs in the industry.


The insights Feroz Rather can provide into the violence the people of Kashmir are experiencing have garnered a lot of attention recently. The Guardian recently heralded his book as one of “the best books to understand the current geopolitical crisis caused by India’s military siege and communications blackout in Kashmir."

jerome stern series

Gather weekly at The Bark restaurant to feed your creative cravings.

FSU seal

Michaels joins FSU English Ph.D. alumnus Blake Stricklin and English Professor S.E. Gontarski to focus on Burroughs' archives.

Dennis Moore

Dennis Moore is not just retiring from Florida State University after 28 years of teaching, mentoring, research, and service to the scholarly community at large. He is leaving the Department of English, the place during those nearly three decades that he says “has been an academic home, indeed, my fun home. Full stop.”