Rhetoric and Composition


At Florida State University we offer an M.A. in Rhetoric and Composition and a Ph.D. in English with a specialization in Rhetoric and Composition. Our graduate program provides a solid foundation of general knowledge and practice with core courses in Rhetoric, Composition, Research Methodologies, and Theories of Difference. In addition, our program highlights the following distinctives:

  • An Emphasis on and Commitment to Diversity and Difference: We define diversity broadly to include intersections of race, class, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, language, (dis)ability, and other marked or unmarked identity positions. Our course offerings, professional development, scholarship, recruitment, and hiring all demonstrate the value we place on inclusion, accessibility, and difference.
  • Collaboration, Cooperation, and Community: We—students and faculty—have published books, chapters, and articles together; presented at conferences together; edited collections and journals together, and written grants together. We value community, gathering regularly to challenge and support one another, celebrate each other's accomplishments, and develop personally and professionally.
  • Writing Program Administration (WPA): Many faculty and students in our program have shared interests in WPA work in college composition programs, writing centers and digital studios, writing majors, and graduate writing programs. Our graduate students gain valuable professional experience and mentoring working as and with WPAs; we offer courses in in WPA work; and many faculty and students present and publish WPA scholarship.
  • Digital Composition and Digital Humanities: We also have shared scholarly interests and in digital composing and scholarship. With a course on digital convergence culture, two digital studios, and several ongoing digital archive projects, we offer multiple ways to engage in digital scholarship, teaching, and composing. 
  • Mentoring and Professional Development: Graduate students in our program receive support and mentoring from the beginning of their program until often well beyond graduation. We regularly offer professional develop workshops and 1-hour courses on conference presentations, manuscript publication, institutional types and academic careers, ePortfolios, job preparation-placement, and so much more. 

We invite you to explore these pages further to find out more about our rich community of scholars. Please contact the program or any of the faculty for more information.