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By Alyssa Cuevas

English major Nicholas Tracanna became interested with the racial justice events and protests as they developed in the U.S. during the summer of 2020. The more he learned, the more compelled he felt to expand his research into the topic.

By Sofia Cabrera

Department of English alumna Jennifer Lee has come full circle as she reflects on her undergraduate career and her current role as an academic advisor at Florida State University. Her interest in creative writing began when she took ENC 1101, a first-year introductory composition and rhetoric course.

“My instructor for the course was amazing, as she guided us to craft our reading and writing skills,” Lee says.

By Sofia Cabrera

Jarmal Desire is a two-time Florida State University alumnus, and his past experiences in education led him to give back to his alma mater as an academic advisor.

In 2015, Desire graduated from FSU with a double major in criminology and psychology and applied for his first job at Teach for America. A nonprofit organization, TFA’s mission is to enlist, develop, and mobilize educators in various disadvantaged communities to work toward educational equity across the country.

By Sofia Cabrera

Although she is the most recent addition to the English advising team, Hannah Beth Ragland knows her way around Florida State University’s campus. In 2016, Ragland graduated from FSU with her Bachelor of Arts in English Literature.

Read a Q&A below with English alumna Alejandra Gancedo describing her decision to attend law school.

By Elizabeth Chailosky

As an undergraduate student at Florida State University, Tomas Cabezas realized just how much his English degree was going to help him in law school. His writing and rhetoric classes sparked a passion for law, and when it was time to graduate, Cabezas decided law school was the path for him.

The Jerome Stern Reading Series experience brings “a sense of belonging” for Florida State University graduate students Erin Slaughter and Lauren Howton, who oversee and co-host the events, and for those who participate in the weekly readings.

By Sofia Cabrera