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By Miranda Daubar

Kaysyn Jones is a first-generation student at Florida State University, but they already know that academia is in their future. That career goal stems from Jones’ parents encouraging their further education and lifelong learning.

By Sophia Bock

For Florida State University English alumna Keira Jackson, attending FSU was her dream as early as the seventh grade. A friendly sibling rivalry fueled that flame.

“I have a brother who's four years older than me, and he went to the University of Florida,” Jackson says, “and we've always been rivals, just that sibling rivalry—he went to UF, I'm going to go to FSU.”

By Molly DeKraai

Natalie Tombasco did not always see herself as an author. A first-generation college student, she began her academic career in 2009 at the College of Staten Island in New York as a student-athlete, who then stumbled into creative writing courses.

By Katherine Grubb

Throughout her academic career, English Assistant Professor Rebecca Ballard has made a series of significant moves—cross-country, and even cross-continental—with her latest being to Tallahassee, Florida.