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By Giana Nardelli

Florida State University English-Creative Writing alumni Jayme Ringleb returns to Tallahassee to read from their debut poetry collection, So Tall It Ends In Heaven.

By Sophia Lazo

The skills that English majors learn can be applied to numerous creative activities. Florida State University students can choose from a long list of student organizations and clubs to find one that matches their interests and what they love to do.

By Sophia Lazo

Florida State University’s Presidential Scholars Program offers students a chance to be a part of an immersive and innovative community. This year, three of the scholars are English majors: Ashley Boudreaux, McKenna Oakley, and Ella Windlan.

By Giana Nardelli

The always-anticipated return of the Jerome Stern Reading Series takes place Tuesday, Jan. 24, which marks the beginning of the Spring 2023 season.