Emeritus Faculty

Name Contact Specialties
Ralph M. Berry
Emeritus Professor
rberry@fsu.edu Creative writing, fiction, modernism, postmodernism, philosophy and literature
Bruce Bickley
Emeritus Professor
Bruce Boehrer
Emeritus Professor
bboehrer@fsu.edu Milton, Shakespeare, Jonson, early modern English drama, neo-Latin verse
Helen Burke
Emerita Professor
hburke@fsu.edu 18th-century Irish and English literature and drama, colonial and postcolonial theory
Janet Burroway
Emerita Professor
Anne Coldiron A. E. B. Coldiron
Emerita Professor
acoldiron@fsu.edu Renaissance and late-medieval literature, history of text technologies, comparative literature, translation studies, poetry
John Fenstermaker
Emeritus Professor
Kristie S. Fleckenstein
WMS 223B
Visual and material rhetorics, modern rhetorical theory, feminist theory, composition pedagogy
David Gants
Emeritus Professor
dgants@fsu.edu Humanities computing, history of the book, history of text technologies, renaissance literature, descriptive and analytical bibliography
Joann Gardner
Emerita Professor
jgardner@fsu.edu Creative writing, poetry, 20th-century literature, women's studies
David F. Johnson
WMS 453
Medieval literature and culture, Old and Middle English language and literature, textual studies
Jerrilyn McGregory
WMS 458
Folklore and folklife, transnational and diaspora theories, African American and multiethnic literature, cultural studies
Jim O'Rourke
Emeritus Professor
jorourke@fsu.edu British Romanticism, Shakespeare, poststructuralist theory
Eric Walker Eric Walker
Emeritus Professor
ewalker@fsu.edu British Romantic culture, Austen, adoption studies
Kathleen Blake Yancey
Emerita Professor
kyancey@fsu.edu Composition studies, writing assessment, and literacies and technologies