ENG 5049 Fall 2021 Kilgore

ENG 5049
Studies in Critical Theory: Black Anti-Capitalism/Critiques of Racial Capitalism
John Mac Kilgore

A course devoted to Black intellectual critiques of political economy and racial capitalism. Will cover the rich legacies of Black anarchism, socialism, Marxism. In design, hope to read full-length essays and books. Students can expect to encounter work by W.E.B. Du Bois, Lucy Parsons, Hubert Harrison, C.L.R. James, Eric Williams, Aimé Césaire, Kwame Nkrumah, Claudia Jones, Frantz Fanon, Angela Davis, Huey P. Newton, Martin Luther King, Jr., the Combahee River Collective, bell hooks, Cornel West, Cedric J. Robinson, Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Robin D.G. Kelley.

Requirements: This course requirement for coursework in the following Area of Concentration: Post-1900 Literature and Culture. It also fulfills the Alterity requirement.