ENL 4220 Fall 2020 Pascoe

ENL 4220
British Romantic Literature
Judith Pascoe
WMS 421

“Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, / But to be young was very heaven!” wrote Wordsworth about the years of social upheaval that marked the beginning of the Romantic period. The British Romantics wrote some of the most remarkable poetry and prose in literary history, works whose influence lives on in genres as varied as horror movies and political manifestos. What’s more, the societal issues with which the Romantics grappled (e.g., the rise of technologies, the impact of revolutionary change) are issues that still challenge us today.

This class will serve as an introduction to Romanticism defined both as a historical period (from 1789 to 1832) and as a literary aesthetic. Together we will explore literary works in which Romantic writers grapple with death, life, despair, and bliss. Students from all majors and areas of concentration are welcome.

Class requirements include: regular attendance, reading notes, occasional quizzes, and several short writing assignments that lead up to (and prepare students for) a final 10-page research paper.