ENG 4020 Spring 2020 Graban

ENG 4020
Rhetorical Theory and Practice
Tarez Samra Graban
WMS 221

In this course, we consider "rhetoric" as a way of making knowledge in the world. The way in which we interpret, respond to, or perceive ourselves to be involved in ecologies, digital revolutions, globalism, feminism, activism, ethnic profiling, and even war is inherently rhetorical because it requires our understanding of how symbols act on us and on others—what Kenneth Burke has famously called "equipments for living." Thus, this course will involve you in the study and practice of rhetorical criticism by introducing you to some theoretical landmarks that make it a living practice for the 21st century. Our course texts include a critical glossary, two graphic novels, a digitally secured collection of articles and essays available at the start of the term, as well as online and web-based texts -- sometimes read as case studies themselves, and sometimes read as critical lenses onto other cases.