Ashleah Wimberly

Grad Level

Education: B.A. in English for Mississippi State University; M.A. in English from the University of North Dakota
Teaching Experience: Composition I: Writing about Writing; Composition II: Writing for Public Audiences; Literature and Culture: Race in Graphic Novels; Literature and Culture: Gender in Fantasy; ENC 2135: Research, Genres, and Contexts
Professional Experience: Graduate Teaching Assistant; Graduate Library Assistant; Instructor for the American College of Norway; Co-Author for the University of North Dakota Guide to Writing; WPA-Go Mentoring Projects Committee; Library Senate Committee
Research Interests: Writing Transfer, Learner Dispositions, Literacy, Metacognition, Pedagogy, Composition, Rhetoric, and Researched Writing
Personal Interests: Playing video and tabletop games, reading comics and graphic novels, watching anything animated, traveling with friends, consuming too much tea

Full Name

Ashleah Wimberly

Last Name