ENG 5988 Reading Group Fall 2019 Mariano

ENG 5988
U.S. Literature Reading Group
Trinyan Mariano
WMS 323

The U.S. Literature Group is a one-credit reading group organized around student-selected texts that engage with American literature, media, and culture. All periods and approaches are welcome.

Each student will choose one short piece to lead discussion on. This can be a short story, poem, critical scholarship, or philosophical work of your choosing. The length of presentations will depend on how many members are in the group. Please create some kind of handout or PowerPoint to accompany your presentation. Every member is expected to come to each session prepped and ready to add to the discussion. Group members must attend a minimum of four sessions.

Accessing the Reading:
Once you choose your topic/text, please send the materials to Dorothy Calabro so she can make photocopies for the yellow folder in WMS 405 and/or provide the materials on Canvas so the group can access the reading before the meeting. You must send the reading materials to Dorothy at least five days (but preferably a full week) before your presentation so that everyone has time to read the material.

Meeting Dates:
We will meet on five Fridays this semester from 1:00-2:00. Below are the proposed meeting dates:

  • Friday, September 6th
  • Friday, September 27th
  • Friday, October 18th
  • Friday, November 1st
  • Friday, November 29th

Helpful Resources:

American Literature Early American Literature
American Literary History African American Review
Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers  
Keywords for American Cultural Studies, 2nd ed. Keywords for Latina/o Studies