ENG 5998 Fall 2019 Graban Digital Humanities Reading & Discussion Group
During the Fall 2019 semester, Digital Scholars will focus its programming on defining the "Data Humanities," and will align its meetings with some activities of the Demos Project at FSU. The Demos Project fosters and supports scholarship involving structured data around people (the demos) and their environment, with dual aims: (1) applying humanistic thinking to data-driven problems; and (2) thinking more intelligently, more creatively, more critically, and more compassionately about data—its constructions, deconstructions, representations, and misrepresentations. We'll gather for six meetings over the semester, a combination of discussion meetings and webinars, allowing us to review and explore various instantiations of people in data from rhetoric to textuality to networks to prosopography, and many critical spaces between. Topics and webinars will be announced prior to the start of the term; readings will be provided two weeks in advance of each webinar or meeting. Past meetings with descriptions and reading lists are archived at https://digitalscholars.wordpress.com/events-archive-2/.