CRW 5130 Fall 2019 Elizabeth Stuckey

CRW 5130
Graduate Fiction Workshop
Elizabeth Stuckey-French
WMS 226

Each student will have pieces workshopped by the entire class: short stories, novel excerpts or creative non-fiction. You can either submit two drafts and a revision of one, or three new drafts. If you want to submit a longer piece (up to 100 pages) you can do it in separate sessions. In addition, each student will choose a prose piece from an anthology TBA and do a presentation on it in class. The presentation involves creating a handout which includes an writing exercise.

In this class we will explore some of the subtleties of the craft of fiction writing. What risks do successful fiction writers take and how can we learn from them? What new risks might you take in your own fiction? How can you make your fiction as dramatic, intense, engaging (and publishable) as possible? Our goal is the creation of a community of writers who can learn from and help each other. Courage, honesty and dedication are expected.