CRW 4320 Spring 2019 Hamby
You must have completed Poetic Technique with a B or higher. All poets want to speak with an authentic voice, one that can’t be mistaken for any other. In this workshop we will study the various aspects of voice: subject, line, verse, diction (word choice), syntax, and different kinds of form. I will use examples from contemporary poets, ones who are writing now and many who are not much older than the poets in this workshop. There will also be essays about most of the aspects of voice. You will be responsible for writing a short response to every reading.This will take place in the first hour of class.
The second two hours will be devoted to workshopping poems you have written. You will write a poem a week, but will workshop a poem every other week. This will allow you to take risks you might not feel comfortable taking in front of the whole class. This being said, I demand the highest degree of civility in classroom and workshop discussions. I feel that we are all in the class together to help each other be the best poets possible. I will also provide prompts if you need them. You are not required to use them.
Your final portfolio will consist of your six strongest poems. You will also revise each poem at least once.