LIT 4013 Spring 2019 Moore

LIT 4013
Studies in the Novel: Gender, Genre and Then Some
Dennis Moore
WMS 416

What a range of texts -- including Atonement, Beloved, Let the Great World Spin, MARCH, Book One, Portrait of a Lady and of course Sense and Sensibility -- and what a range of authors: one Nobel Laureate (so far), one civil rights icon, couple of Brits, one American expat-to-be and one Irishman with dual U.S. citizenship. Emphasis here is on Anglophone texts, including one graphic novel and several others that are also quite graphic, each in its own way. Meanwhile, plan on plenty of thoughtfull class discussions and plan on writing a research paper strong enough to consider using as a writing sample; plan, too, on a mid-term and a comprehensive final exam.