CRW 5331 Spring 2019 Hamby

CRW 5331
Poetry Workshop: The Ode from the Ancient World to Right Now
Barbara Hamby
WMS 419

The craft section of this class (first hour) will address the ode beginning with the Psalms, Pindar, and Horace and moving on to Pindarmania, the Romantics, Whitman, Neruda, Lorca, Ginsberg, O’Hara, and Bernadette Mayer, Sharon Olds, Yusef Komuyakaa, D. A. Powell, and other contemporary ode writers. The questions we will be addressing are what is the ode and why are we still writing them? I also want to talk about how contemporary poets have transformed the ode but also how they have paid tribute to the poets of the past.

There are no books. Poems will be posted on Canvas.

The workshop will take up the final two hours of the class.

Requirements: For MFA students, this course satisfies 3 of the required 12-15 hours of writing workshops. For PhD students, it counts toward the 27 hours of required coursework. This course fulfills 3 credit hours of the academic requirement for the Certificate in Editing and Publishing. If a student has already met the academic requirement, the course can count for additional credits toward the 12-hour Certificate.