ENG 3014 Fall 2018 Pascoe

ENG 3014
Understanding Theory: Frankenstein's Monsters
Judith Pascoe
WMS 421

In this, the 200th anniversary year of Frankenstein, published when its author Mary Shelley was just twenty years old, we will use her nightmare story of a "hideous phantasm of a man" as a testing ground for thinking about literary theory. The novel has inspired a proliferation of creative works (films, comic books, novels), but also a broad array of critical approaches. We'll read iconic works of critical theory (e.g, those of Immanuel Kant, Mary Wollstonecraft, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Michel Foucault, and Judith Butler), and explore how these thinkers' ideas can enrich our understanding of Mary Shelley's novel and its adaptations.

Grades will be based on class preparation and participation, quizzes, reading notes, and short papers.