ENG 4815 Summer 2018 Ned Stuckey
A revolution has occurred. The world is now digital. This course asks the question "What is a text?" and in particular, it investigates some of the ways the advent of the digital has transformed the way we think about texts. In this course, we'll closely examine a variety of texts in order to consider how the material elements of a text (and thus the form) affect the way we read-our experience of the text-and also inform (or alter) the content. This course explores the implications of the digital revolution: what it means for the publishing industry, books, magazines, copyright, libraries, how we read and write, and how we organize ourselves as a society. This revolution has come swiftly and been sweeping. A little more than a decade ago there was no iPhone, iPad, Kindle, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Pinterest, or Snapchat. We read, write and speak differently now than we did then, and this course will investigate those differences and what they might mean for the ways we read, our culture, and our future.