AML 5608 Spring 2018 Montgomery

AML 5608
Studies in the African American Literary Tradition: Toni Morrison's Later Novels
Maxine L. Montgomery
WMS 433

We will read and discuss later works of fiction by Pulitzer and Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison, arguably one of the most prolific and gifted novelists on the contemporary literary scene. Through an interrogation of her last eight novels -- from Tar Baby to God Help the Child -- our readings allow us to not only map the trajectory of her move toward a global positioning, but also investigate matters relevant to her complex political and aesthetic vision. Central to our discussion is a consideration of Morrison's role as literary and cultural critic. We will draw upon a range of critical perspectives, including post colonial, feminist, and psychoanalytic literary theory. As a post-script to our conversation, our investigation culminates with a discussion of Desdemona, Morrison's lyrical reinvention of Shakespeare's Othello.

Requirements: This course satisfies the requirement for coursework in the following Areas of Concentration: Postcolonial and Transnational Literary and Cultural Studies; and Women's Literary Studies/Gender Studies. This course also meets the Alterity requirement.