ENG 5933 Spring 2018 Gontarski

ENG 5933
Topics in English: Digital Humanities: Rethinking Textuality at the End of the Gutenberg Galaxy: Beckett, Burroughs, et al.
S. E. Gontarski
WMS 430

This course is a seminar in textuality, textual coding and in and post Gutenberg aesthetics, a workshop in contemporary textual criticism and mark ups for material in the new William Burroughs archive at Florida State University , and an introduction to electronic collation, particularly with the University of Virginia’s site, Juxta Commons (http://juxtacommons.org/) and Versioning Machine (http://v-machine.org/)

The principal activity of the course (in addition to reviewing core theoretical texts) is the marking up of Burroughs mss. and tss. in preparation for posting them on our web page (burroughsarchive.org) and generating collations and essays drawn from our findings. Posting such documents itself constitutes publication, and we have many documents and variants to work with in Special Collections. We will be working, in conjunction with the Library, with TEI (q.v.) and XML mark ups, and, if we can find some money, with the XML editor, oXygen (https://www.oxygenxml.com/) and an embedded CollateX (https://collatex.net/).

Requirements: This course fulfills the requirement for coursework in the following Areas of Concentration: Post-1900 Literature and Culture; History of Text Technologies; or as an undergraduate EWM elective. The class is open to advanced undergraduate English majors who can register as graduate students with 95 credits. Students with fewer than 95 credits can register as undergraduates with the permission of the instructor.

This course fulfills 3 credit hours of the academic requirement for the Certificate in Editing and Publishing. If a student has already met the academic requirement, the course can count for additional credits toward the 12-hour Certificate.