ENC 3416 -Fall 2025 - Ayers

ENC 3416
Writing and Editing for Print and Online (WEPO): Writing as a Social and Rhetorical Act
Amanda Ayers

ENC 3416 (WEPO) is one of three core courses for Editing, Writing, Media (EWM), and as such, it helps provide a foundation for the major. This course situates writing “as a social and rhetorical activity,” meaning we write with/through/for specific purposes, distinct audiences, and unique identities (Roozen Naming What We Know 2015). We will situate composition as an embodied act, exploring how we write and compose with and through our bodies. Then, we will explore the principles of composing and editing across different media environments, paying special attention to how your process is affected when you compose in different contexts, with different materials and genres, and for different audiences. 
This course seeks to answer 4 guiding questions: 
(1) How is writing both social and rhetorical? 
(2) What key terms or concepts are necessary for understanding the principles of composing? 
(3) How do we compose for a variety of spaces, like print, digital, and network? 
(4) How do we engage with editing and revision in print, digital, and networked spaces? 
As a student in this course, you will gain introductory experience in multimodal or multimedia composition in print and digital spaces; a critical understanding of your own composing processes; and a transferable vocabulary for analyzing, inventing, and revising texts.