LIT 3124 Fall 2024 - Faulk

LIT 3124
Understanding Literary History II
Barry J. Faulk

This class is a survey of literature written in English from the 19th through the 20th century, including some present day writing, and a required course for LMC students. Focusing on authors and cultural contexts, we will learn how to identify and interpret literary texts, the major artistic movements in the last two centuries, and the socio-historical forces that shape how authors write, who they write about, and how they communicate to their audience. We will consider how the study of literary history can deepen our understanding of major topics in the field including new media, ecological crises, post-humanism, and the politics of cultural memory. Reading includes Samuel Delaney’s Babel-17, Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 and Patricia Highsmith’s The Talented Mr. Ripley.