ENC 3021 Spring 2024 - Ayers

ENC 3021
Amanda Ayers

ENC 3021 is one of three core courses for the Editing, Writing, and Media (EWM) track, and as such, the course works to provide a foundation for the major. Studying the history of rhetoric provides students with foundational rhetorical principles and building blocks, crucial for writers, editors, and evolving scholars. This course introduces students to key concepts in the study of rhetoric; to frameworks useful for the analysis of texts, events, communication, and other phenomena; and to the principles of rhetoric in contexts across media and cultures.

This course emphasizes the study of rhetorics as a plural term. This course will survey the multiple and many rhetorics engaged by a variety of communities throughout history. As such, we learn the Western rhetorical tradition *with and through* a variety of other rhetorical traditions like global Black rhetorics, feminist rhetorics, queer rhetorics, Latine/Chicane rhetorics, and more. We will study the evolution of rhetorical knowledges and meaning making processes across/between cultures, identities, boundaries, and borders. And we will consider knowledges, texts, histories, and identities as subjective, partial, incomplete, and ever-changing.