Casie Shirley Minot

Casie Minot

Casie Shirley Minot is an M.A. student. Her current interests involve investigating print and digital media production and reader engagements as a systemically complicated series of embodied and disembodied interactions, a topic explored in her 2023 Association for Computers and the Humanities conference presentation, “Conceptualizing Corporeal Bodies and Labor in Digital Cinematic Production.” She is currently working on assembling a database of digitized annotations from copies from Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, studying its marginalia as a cross-temporal form of embodied feminist praxis. Casie earned a B.A. in English, with a literature concentration with a minor in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, from Georgia State University, where she also received the James E. Routh Outstanding English Major award. Her creative work and publishing experience can be viewed in Georgia State University’s literary journal, “The Underground.”

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Casie Shirley Minot