ENC 3416 Fall 2023 Cuellar
ENC 3416 (WEPO) is one of three core courses for Editing, Writing, Media (EWM), and as such, it helps provide a foundation for the major. This course acknowledges the complexity of composition today as it extends beyond writing for print by introducing students to the principles of composing and editing across different media environments, paying special attention to how your process will be affected when working in different contexts, with different materials and genres, for different audiences. This course aims to help students: 1) understand principles of composition across the many forms in which it occurs; 2) compose for three different spaces—print (physical), digital (screen), and network (online) using different technologies and design strategies; 3) appropriately revise and edit the texts created in each space, learning how to transform them where necessary; and 4) understand the relationships that exist across and between texts, technologies, and materials.
To accomplish these goals, we'll engage with multiple kinds of texts: we’ll read some, write some, talk about some, and create remediated forms of some. Throughout the course, we will spend time reflecting on the differences and similarities we experience when composing across various genres, and we will interrogate what happens to ourselves as writers/thinkers/creators as we engage in this work. Note: There is no official textbook for this course; instead, texts/readings will be provided via Canvas.