ENC 3416 Fall 2023 Ayers
ENC 3416 (WEPO) is one of three core courses for Editing, Writing, Media (EWM), and as such, it helps provide a foundation for the major. This course introduces you to the principles of composing and editing across different media environments, paying special attention to how your process will be affected when working in different contexts, with different materials and genres, for different audiences.
This course attempts to help you: (1) understand principles of composing and rhetoric, especially the ways they function across different composing spaces to aid you in working across multiple forms and composing areas; (2) compose for each of three spaces—print (physical), digital (screen), and network (online) using different technologies and design strategies; (3) edit and revise appropriately the texts created in each space and learning how to transform them where necessary; and (4) understand the relationships that exist across and between texts, technologies, and materials.
To accomplish these goals, we'll engage with multiple kinds of texts: we’ll read some, write some, talk about some, and create remediated forms of some. Throughout, we’ll be developing a language and a vocabulary that we can use to describe those texts and interactions and to describe what happens to them – and to us – when we do this work.