ENC 3310 Fall 2023 Schiel
ENC 3310 Article and Essay Technique is an introductory course in the craft of creative nonfiction, a genre that includes creative use of prose craft techniques to present truth, fact, experience, and memory. Creative nonfiction includes a wide range of works including: memoir, personal essay, lyrical essay, literary journalism, profiles, science writing, nature writing, travel writing, biography, cultural criticism, and more. Expect to engage with several modes of nonfiction, personal essays, and memoir excerpts written by writers like you and unlike you. No topics are off limits — including, but not limited to: sexuality, the body, violence, race, religion, etc. Please be aware that some material may be triggering. We’ll also study works on the craft of nonfiction, and you’ll produce your own pieces of creative nonfiction to be workshopped in class.