CRW 5331 Summer 2023 Kimbrell

CRW 5331
Graduate Poetry Workshop
James Kimbrell

This workshop will include weekly discussion of student poems, but unlike traditional workshops, we will also spend a good deal of time exploring the field of poetics. We will conduct a broad and thorough review of major statements in poetics from a range of poets from your text. Workshop participants will submit original poems, give one presentation on a selection from our anthology, and complete the workshop with a revised portfolio along with an original manifesto/poetics essay. Among the goals of this workshop, my main hope is that each poet will finish the semester with a rich and more historically informed basis upon which to craft their own poems. Text: Twentieth-Century American Poetics: Poets on the Art of Poetry. 1st Edition, Gioa, Mason Schoerke Requirements: For MFA students, this course satisfies 3 of the required 12-15 hours of writing workshops. For PhD students, it counts toward the 27 hours of required coursework.

Requirements: For MFA students, this course satisfies 3 of the required 12-15 hours of writing workshops. For PhD students, it counts toward the 27 hours of required coursework.