CRW 4120 Spring 2023 Butler
The spring undergraduate fiction workshop under Robert Olen Butler, as it traditionally does, will focus intensively on the essentials of process in creating literary narrative. He has found that the most elusive of literary essentials are best explored by his proposing an aesthetic theory of the short short story, both as a distinct art form and as a paradigm for the beginning pages of any effective work of fiction. It is important to note that the course will deal exclusively with the literary genre in contrast to the expressly entertainment genres of fiction. And it will also concentrate far more on process than on craft and technique.
Course Pre-Requisites: Prospective student must, in order to enroll, submit to instructor the first 500 words of a piece of their fiction and a brief statement of their literary goals. (Send to Prospective student must have successfully completed CRW 3110 Fiction Technique.