CRW 5531 Spring 2023 Weise
In this graduate poetry workshop emphasis will be on your poems and the writing you generate during the course. I run workshop using a bit of the traditional model and some "hacks," or ways to give each poet an opportunity to talk-back via queering, cripping, or borging the workshop space. We decline the presumptive “Everyman” speaker of poems in favor of recognizing diverse identities and points-of-view. Questions we will want to know: Who is the speaker? What’s the speaker saying? And maybe, especially, what’s the speaker not saying? I love Gwendolyn Brooks's line, from In Montgomery, “I am here to assemble, I am here to conduct / interrupted order. / I am Code.” Workshop will give you support and community as you assemble, conduct and code.
Requirements: For MFA students, this course satisfies 3 of the required 12-15 hours of writing workshops. For PhD students, it counts toward the 27 hours of required coursework.