LIT 4322 McGregory Fall 2022
The field of onomastics (name studies) holds great fascination for many people. Names and naming patterns constitute a significant aspect of our daily lives. Although an autonomous discipline, it overlaps the subject matter of many other disciplines such as Folklore. The most significant research in onomastics occurs in European countries. However, specialized courses in onomastics are not usually possible at most U.S. universities. When a course is devoted to the study, it almost always focuses on place names. As designed, this course will focus on personal, literary, and other types of naming such as mascots, brand names, the naming of craft beers, etc. Perhaps, you will discover that a particular domain of naming has not been scrutinized and decide to carry out your own research on an area not previously examined! Come aboard and lets discover what’s in a name.
Since no suitable textbook is available, No book will be required. Instead, the course readings will be compiled in a course packet for purchase and/or available online.