ENC 4500 Spring 2022 Fiscus

ENC 4500
Theories of Composition
Jaclyn Fiscus-Cannaday

This course is an examination of topics in the teaching of composition, including theories of the composing process, invention, revision, assigning, and evaluating student writing, and the relationship between writing and reading. This course is most applicable for students who are interested in teaching writing—but I will make every effort to make this course applicable to those who want to understand theories of writing for other career goals (e.g. their own writerly development, their goals to join publishing or editing companies, etc.) We will begin our course in considering keywords in Writing Studies so that we all have a common understanding of concepts that are important to the field. Then, we will discuss threshold concepts in Writing Studies. And, finally, we will consider how those threshold concepts will help us with our future careers as teachers of writing, writers, or readers of others’ writing.