CRW 3110 Spring 2022 Reynolds

CRW 3110
Fiction Technique
Ernie Reynolds

In this course, we’ll work with the attitude that all apprentice fiction can be improved. This class is designed as a traditional creative writing workshop in which you will strive to improve your narrative writing and revising skills by receiving feedback from your peers. The majority of our time will be spent reading and critiquing one another’s work. However, because reading is as crucial to your writing development as drafting and revising, we will also spend time learning to read published fiction with the keen and critical eye of a maturing writer. We will discuss the fundamentals of traditional fiction as well as the elements and purpose of experimental writing and you will be challenged to find where your work falls on this spectrum. Last but not least, we will practice writing strategies found in the course text. Each component is an important aspect of your growth as a writer.