LIT 5309 Spring 2022 Jaffe

LIT 5309
Studies in Popular Culture: Pulp/Cult
Aaron Jaffe

Pulp: 1.) any soft, soggy mass, 2.) the soft moist part, 3.) the inside of a tooth, and 4.) sensational literature printed cheaply on inexpensive paper.

Cult: 1.) religious-like adherence, 2. a fad, 3.) interest followed with exaggerated zeal.

Count Dracula of Monte Cristo, Sherlock Bond, Orlando Pimpernel, Frank-N-Furter, Svengali Dedalus, Supertramp, the Dude, the Beetle, Tarzan Presley, Stagg R. Leigh, the original Homer Simpson, the good Dr. Thompson—we’ll look at a literary family including some of these and other pulp/cult characters and investigate cultural theory, literary fan culture and readership.

Requirements: The course satisfies the requirement for coursework in the following Area(s) of Concentration: Post-1900 Lit and Cultural Studies; A Literary Genre (Fiction/Novel)