Terri Bourus

My primary research focuses on the Print and Performance of Early Modern Drama. As a Bibliographer and Text Editor as well as a performer, I am most interested in the ways that Early Modern Drama was received by, and integrated into late 16th and early 17th century culture, creating a playing space for this drama that continues to prosper. How did performance and print make it both possible (and problematic) for that drama to be reinterpreted for every succeeding generation of scholars and performers? I am also interested in issues of adaptation and attribution by examining not just the early modern texts, but the stagings, films, photography and art that continue to evolve from them and adapt to new and exciting technologies: some in place, others yet to be developed. I am one of three General Editors of the New Oxford Shakespeare and as I edit, I will continue to explore these texts through the lens of performance. I am passionate about teaching these plays and, perhaps even more, I am passionate about performing them.
- “Theatrical Environments”. In Rory Loughnane and Will Sharpe (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Authorship (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming)
- “’Speak’st thou from thy heart”: Performing the Mother-Nurse and Clown-Servant in Romeo and Juliet,” Skenè: Journal of Theatre and Drama Studies 8.2 (December 2022), 169-95
- Shakespeare and the First Hamlet, ed. Terri Bourus (Oxford and New York: Berghahn, 2022)
- “Is Q1 Hamlet the First Hamlet?”. In Shakespeare and the First Hamlet (2022), 1-6
- “The Good Enough Quarto: Hamlet as a Material Object.” In Shakespeare and the First Hamlet (2022), 90-108
- “Arden of Faversham, Richard Burbage, and the Early Shakespeare Canon”. In Rory Loughnane & Andrew Power (Eds.). Early Shakespeare, 1588-94. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2020), 200-219
- "Editing and Directing: Mise en page, mise en scene", in Stage Directions and the Shakespearean Theatre, ed. Gillian Woods and Sarah Dustagheer (London: Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 2017).
- The New Oxford Shakespeare, Complete Works: Critical Reference Edition, gen. ed. Gary Taylor, John Jowett, Terri Bourus, Gabriel Egan, 2 vols. (Oxford University Press, 2017).
- Terri Bourus and Farah Karim-Cooper, "All's Wells that Ends Well 4.3: Dramaturgy,' in The New Oxford Shakespeare: Authorship Companion (Oxford University Press, 2017).
- The New Oxford Shakespeare, Complete Works: Modern Critical Edition, gen. ed. Gary Taylor, John Jowett, Terri Bourus, Gabriel Egan (Oxford, 2016).
- "Enter Shakespeare's Young Hamlet, 1589," Actes de Congres de la Societe Francaise Shakespeare, 34 (2016), online
- "Second Looks: Arden of Faversham", Shakespeare Bulletin 33 (2015), 693-8.
- Terri Bourus and Gary Taylor, “Measure for Measure(s): Performance-testing the adaptation hypothesis”, Shakespeare 10 (2014), 363-401.
- Young Shakespeare's Young Hamlet: Print, Piracy, and Performance (Palgrave 2014)
- "Counterfeiting Faith: Middleton's Theatrical Reformation of Measure for Measure" in Stages of Engagement: Drama and Religion in Post-Reformation England," (Duquenes University Press, 2014).
- The Creation and Re-Creation of 'Cardenio’, ed. Terri Bourus and Gary Taylor (Palgrave, 2013).
- “Poner en escena: The History of Cardenio,” in The Creation and Re-Creation of 'Cardenio’ (Palgrave, 2013).
- "It's a whole different sex!": Women Performing Middleton on the Modern Stage,’ in The Oxford Handbook of Thomas Middleton Studies (Oxford University Press, 2012).
- "May I be metamorphosed": Cardenio by Stages, in The Quest for Cardenio (Oxford University Press, 2012).
- Digital Editor: The Compendium of Renaissance Drama (CORD): Thomas Kyd’s Cornelia, Barnabe Barnes’s The Devil’s Charter, John Marston’s Jack Drum’s Entertainment, and Beaumont and Fletcher’s The Island Princess, The Coxcomb, and The Bloody Brother.
- Text Editor: Hamlet, Sourcebooks MediaFusion New Series Shakespeare (Sourcebooks. 2006).
- Text Editor, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Sourcebooks, 2006)
- “Shakespeare and the London Publishing Environment: The Publisher and Printers of Q1 and Q2 Hamlet,” Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography 12 (2001): 206-228.
- “The First Quarto of Hamlet in Film: The Revenge Tragedies of Nicol Williamson and Mel Gibson,” Online journal, August, 2001.
- Editor and Essayist: Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’: Complete Study Edition (New York: IDG Books Worldwide, 2000)
- IU Trustees Teaching Award: 2012
- IU New Frontiers' New Explorations Grant: 2010
- IUPUI Research Frontiers Trailblazer Award: 2010
- IU New Frontiers' Research Grant: 2010-2011
- IU New Frontiers New Explorations Grant: 2009
- IU Overseas Research Grant: 2009
- IU School of Liberal Arts Summer Faculty Fellowship: 2009
- IU Office of the Vice-President for International Affairs Grant: 2008
- 40th Anniversary of IUPUI Speakers' Fund Grant: 2008
- NEH Summer Research Grant: 2008
- New Frontiers Visionary Scholars’ Grant: 2007-2008
- FACET: Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching: Awarded 2007
- Folger Institute Grant-in-Aid: 2007
- Indiana University Overseas Research Award: 2006
- New Frontiers New Exploration Traveling Fellowship Award: 2006
- Trustees Teaching Award 2005-2006
- Claude Rich Excellence in Teaching Award: 2005-2006
- New Frontiers New Perspectives Grant for the Arts: 2005
- Trustees Teaching Award: 2004-2005
- Amicus Award for Teaching Excellence: 2004-2005
- New Faculty Merit Increase: 2003-2004
- Indiana University RUGS Grant:, 2003-2004
- IU Overseas Conference Award: 2003.
- IU Summer Faculty Fellowship: 2002