The New Oxford Shakespeare: Modern Critical Edition: The Complete Works

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Gary Taylor, John Jowett, Terri Bourus, and Gabriel Egan

In one attractive volume, The New Oxford Shakespeare: Modern Critical Edition gives today's students the very best resources needed to understand and enjoy the complete works of William Shakespeare in the modern spelling. This anthology is accompanied by extensive performance notes and innovative introductory materials that help students unravel the themes and issues surrounding matters of interpretation, textual variants, literary criticism, and performance. The Modern Critical Edition presents the plays and poetry in chronological order so that students can follow the development of Shakespeare's imagination, his engagement with a rapidly evolving society and theater, and his relationship to his literary contemporaries.

The Modern Critical Edition is part of the landmark New Oxford Shakespeare--an entirely new consideration of all of Shakespeare's works. Editors Gary Taylor, John Jowett, Terri Bourus, and Gabriel Egan expertly frame the surviving original versions of Shakespeare's play-texts and poems around the latest literary, textual, and theatrical scholarship to date.

The New Oxford Shakespeare consists of four interconnected publications: the Modern Critical Edition (with modern spelling), the Critical Reference Edition (with original spelling), a companion volume on authorship, and an online version integrating all of the print material on a high-powered platform generated by Oxford University Press. Together, they provide the perfect resource for the future of Shakespeare studies.