Ifeoluwa Ayandele, MFA candidate in English-Poetry
Ifeoluwa Ayandele was born in rural Ago Are, Nigeria, the son of a painter. He will start his Master of Fine Arts Program in Poetry at Florida State University beginning in the Summer B session, which starts June 20.
He is a Best of the Net nominee. He has received his Master of Arts in English Literature from the University of Lagos, Nigeria. His work is published or forthcoming in Another Chicago Magazine, Blue River Review, The Noctua Review, The South Carolina Review, Stonecoast Review, Moon City Review, The McNeese Review, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Emerge Literary Journal, The Shoutflower, Shift: A Journal of Literary Oddities, Cider Press Review, Harbor Review, Rattle, Verse Daily and elsewhere. He tweets @IAyandele.
Ayandele arrived in Tallahassee on Friday, June 3, 2022, to begin his journey in the English department. He graciously gave permission to reprint his Twitter thread from June 6. Welcome to Tallahassee, to Florida, to the U.S., and especially to the Department of English.