ENC 3416 Spring 2025 - Ziemer

ENC 3416
Writing and Editing in Print and Online: Rhetorical Design
Sophia Ziemer

 WEPO is one of three Editing, Writing, Media (EWM) core courses. This section takes a journalistic and adaptive graphic design approach that invites students to consider and problematize principles of composing across different mediums, modalities, and spaces. We will focus on: (1) composing rhetorically and designing with purpose; (2) writing for different mediums—print (physical), digital (screen), and networks (online), considering their affordances, constraints, and rhetorical situations; (3) read texts to gain an understanding of writing, remixing, and ideas of prescriptivism/descriptivism; and (4) explore the relationships across and between genres, modalities, and materiality. Students will write journalistic-style articles, “publish” for print, and engage with industry standard software (e.g. Adobe Creative Cloud); students leave the course with the necessary skills to compose for these genres, modes, mediums, etc. and for specific audiences. Students end the course by curating a digital portfolio that highlights their artifacts.