ENG 4934 Fall 2024 - Gontarski
What makes an English major, or rather, a literature major? Let me suggest that English majors relish the opportunities to read, to study, to plunge into the depths of, to get lost in, and, finally, to enjoy the acknowledged greatest literary works of all time. James Joyce’s Ulysses of 1922 is just such a book. In this Senior Seminar we will spend the semester reading and studying James Joyce’s great novel, always ranked high, frequently number 1, on lists of the greatest works of literature—ever (see below). ENG 4934 will read Ulysses closely, against its sources, especially Homer’s The Odyssey, and even look at some of its visual interpretations, especially the illustrations by Henri Matisse. 2022 saw innumerable celebrations of the Ulysses centenary with new, annotated additions and a wealth of fresh criticism. We will take as much advantage as we can of such new resources generated in that centenary year.
On most lists of the 100 greatest novels of all time, James Joyce tends to rank very high, #s 1 & 3 on the Modern Library List. Ask yourselves, “How many of these have I read?” This is your chance to say, “Yes,” to #1. https://thegreatestbooks.org/lists/2]