LIT 3024-0001 Fall 2024 - Okonkwo

LIT 3024-0001
The Short Story:The Architecture of the Short Story
Esther Okonkwo

In this class, we will enroll as apprentices of the short story. The sense here is that you are an architect studying compelling architecture. Why does it move you? How can you reimagine what you’ve encountered? For each week, there will be a focus on an element of fiction: plot, character, setting. These elements bleed into each other, so this focus is loose and serves only to give structure to the course. We will dip into short stories of all genres: speculative, gothic, realism, sci-fi. We will read short stories from a diverse array of 19th and 21st century writers. The components of this course include but are not limited to: writing exercises, weekly responses, in-class discussion of assigned texts.