This webpage is designed to give English Department students, faculty, and staff accesss to grants, fellowships, and other funding resources. Included here are links to the FSU Office of Research, a very comprehensive site. This page also has direct links to private and government websites. Links to the COS and SPIN databases are very useful for anyone looking for funding in a specific areas of study. Direct links to private and government funding sources, as well as links specifically for the funding interests of creative writers, students, and anyone seeking assistance with writing proposals, can all be found on this page.
On This Page
FSU Office of Research
Searchable Databases of Funding Opportunities
Private Sector and Foundation Funding
Federal, State and Other Agency Funding
Creative Writing Resources
Proposal Writing Resources Online
Just for Students
FSU Office of Research
All of these links will take you to useful pages maintained by the FSU Office of Research. However, don't limit yourself to these links only. You should browse the Office of Research website to take full advantage of the resources there.
Resources for Students Information on graduate and undergraduate funding resources.
Division of Sponsored Research Established in 1969, the Division of Sponsored Research represents an invaluable resource for University faculty seeking information and assistance in applying for or managing a grant or contract with an outside agency.
External Funding Resources Links to external funding databases.
Corporate and Private Foundations and Other Grantmanking Organizations n this page is a short list of free resources to assist faculty, staff, and the FSU community in identifying potential funding sources for research projects and programs.
Federal, State and Other Agency Funding A page of direct links to federal and state agencies.
Searchable Databases of Funding Opportunities
Community of Science (COS). The name is misleading. This is an excellent database of funding opportunities in all fields, including creative writing! COS Homewill link to the home page. COS Funding Opportunities will link to the funding database. COS Expertise will link to a database of researchers who may be working in your field of interest. Also visit the FSU COS page maintained by the Office of Research.
InfoEd InternationalSPIN and GENIUS. SPIN (Sponsored Programs Information Network) is a funding opportunities database that provides an up-to-date listing of national and international governmental and private funding sources. GENIUS (Global Expertise Network for Industry, Universities and Scholars) is a web-searchable database of scientific and scholarly expertise.
Private Sector and Foundation Funding
The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation Mellon Fellowship in Humanistic Studies
National Humanities Center Fellowships
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial FoundationFellowships to Assist Research and Artistic Creation
Huntington Library Fellowships
MacArthur Foundation Grantmaking Programs
The Foundation Center This website is most useful if you know the name of the funding source you're looking for and you just want to find their latest listings. The The Foundation Center Foundation Finder is their main search page. You may also narrow your search by going directly to Private Foundations, Corporate Grantmakers, or Grantmaking Public Charities.
American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) A better site for faculty than students. Funding is somewhat restricted, so before you do anything you should note what ACLS doesn not fund.
Federal, State and Other Agency Funding
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Endowment for the Arts
Florida Department of Education Grants Development Page You may find it useful to browse by category.
Creative Writing Resources
If you are seeking funding for creative writing projects you should be aware that many of the links provided above will also be useful to you in your search.
Funds for Writers May be useful in locating the more obscure grants for writers.
PEN With several links to awards and funding opportunities.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting
Poets and Writers Magazine With a link to grants, awards, conferences and residencies. Updated monthly.
Furthermore Grants for non-fiction book publishing.
Academy of American Poets Link to their awards page.
James Jones Fist Novel Fellowship This competition is open to United States citizens who have not previously published a novel.
The Arch and Bruce Brown Foundation Awards yearly grants to writers in three rotating disciplines: Theatre, Full-length Fiction, and Short Stories. All works submitted must present the gay and lesbian lifestyle in a positive manner and be based on, or inspired by, a historic person, culture, event, or work of art.
The Foundation Center Aid for Writers The Foundation Center has identified a range of materials useful to writers seeking funding for the support of their own creative pursuits. Feel free to refer to them, read introductions, scan indexes, and think of all the subjects and terms by which you can identify your project. A knowledge of support available from local writers' organizations will also be to your benefit. You need to be both creative and flexible in your approach to seeking funding.
Proposal Writing Resources Online
A Short Course in Proposal Writing
FSU Proposal Writing Resource Page
University of Wisconsin Madison Proposal Writing Resources
COMMON SENSE TIPS Most funding organizations require that you contact them directly for detailed information and an application. It is important that you contact funding sources as early as possible. Deadline dates are subject to change. Once you have confirmed the actual deadline date, begin the application process as early as possible. Some organizations require application materials, such as reference letters, that take time to prepare. Each organization also has its own schedule for reviewing and funding applications, and you may be required to apply many months before the funds are available.
There are different types of deadlines. A postmark deadline means application materials may be mailed as late as the specified deadline, as long as you can provide legal proof of mailing. A receipt deadline means that your materials must be received by the organization no later than the date specified. Note the last date/day/hour that hand-delivered proposals will be accepted. If you mail a proposal, certify or register it and request (and keep) a return receipt. (Receipts from Express mail and commercial services such as UPS and Federal Express do not establish legal proof of mailing on time.) Some proposals require delivery to a specific room other than an agency's central mail room. Double-check the appropriate mailing address before delivering.
Just for Students
In addition to Departmental Teaching and Research Assistantships, there are many ways that a graduate student can receive financial assistance. Included below are several links through FSU that are designed to help graduate students find funding for their work.
FSU Office of Graduate Studies Funding Opportunities Page This is a webpage maintained by FSU's Office of Graduate Studies. It includes many links to internal and external funding opportunities, as well as information on upcoming events designed to help students in their searches.
Fellowship and Assistantship Applications Includes information about University and Presidential Fellowships, Leslie N. Wilson Assistantships, Delores Auzenne Fellowships, and Dissertation Research Grants.
Grants Available through the FSU Congress of Graduate Students
External Sources of Support for Graduate Students In addition to the general sources of support for graduate students, and the fellowships maintained by FSU, there are some special opportunities available to help fund graduate education in the Humanities and Social Sciences..
Multidisciplinary Support Beyond FSU
Fulbright-Hayes Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad
Gubernatorial Fellows Program for the State of Florida
Online Fellowship and Scholarship Information These should be used to locate scholarships, fellowships, internships, or assistantships that may not be listed on this webpage.